Sunday, May 27, 2007

Jump start...

Got to access this blog for 2 consecutive days and hopefully it won't be the last time today.. Been having the urge to write and all.. Anyways today was a pretty good day actually. Got to talk to someone important for I don't know how long coz of this stupid PLDT service.. Trying to open the topic if I can call the person but it think I would give it a rest coz it might look like I'm trying too hard.. So the day goes on and it kinda sucks for I didn't get to workout. Everyone said that working out should have rest days and stuff.. And I believe that too so tomorrow I'm gonna do extra for the rest I did today.. I learned that results doesn't come in an instant so I'm taking my time in having a healthy lifestyle.. No preservatives or anything that can jam my system. Funny thing is that I kinda relate everything to relationships.. Geez since working out only use skeletal muscles so I decided to use my brain aswell by thinking of ideas that would relate love to what I'm doing at the moment.. I had a little lesson that would give me a food for thought and it would be patience.. No matter how hard you try it seems that the results aren't showing up like it's supposed to be, right? Wrong! It's all up in our heads and how we look at the effort and result.. Effort may not bring the desired results if done in a wrong or awkward way.. Instead look at it this way.. Every effort comes a result in the end.. Good or bad it's still considered a result or an outcome.. Don't force the effort to bend the way you want it to.. Just take the effort slowly and feel it while being patient on the outcome.. Nothing that requieres development shows up in a day or two.. Do what ever effort that has been ongoing and amplify if necessary.. Make sure that the effort is being implied in the correct manner.. If the person says this then bend.. Don't force the issue and make it go the way you want it for it will break the connection inbetween.. Never get impatient for it will lead to desperation.. And believe me noone wants to be labeled as a desperate loser by anyone around them.. Do whatever basic style there is and go with it.. Just like waiting for a muscle to pop out from a desired part of the body.. Look at it in the mirror and see if there are any developments.. If not then there must be something wrong.. Change the position or so.. Same goes with relationship.. If nothing happens then there must be something wrong with the approach.. Try modifying it while it's still in shape.. Don't force the issue coz someone told you that this style works for all women.. Tell you what, most girls dress up like dolls thinking that it would catch the eye of every guy they pass by.. Well, not for me.. And I don't think I'm the only guy in the world who thinks the same way.. They are flirts and wannabes so why have a GF like that? Just be yourself and go with the flow of whoever you like and deal with it.. Don't like what the person really is in the end? Then talk about it and stay as friends.. Yes it's harder for girls to let go of a guy since they are the ones waiting for someone to come up to them.. Unlike guys, they go around and it's normal for them to ask a girl out since it's our nature to do so.. It would be weird and a huge turn off if a girl asked a guy out. So letting go for guys is nothing compared to that of the girls.. As I see it, maybe there isn't nothing going on in my love life but it's nothing to be bothered about since it would just ruin the whole mystery of who is out there for me.. Guys wait too for the right girl to be able to know if the girl is right or not.. Having that in mind makes the guy a decent suitor for he waits the right time and not drool over every girl in town.. For me, I'm just taking my time and effort for someone to be able to see if it's worth the wait and love.. I have failed once so it's natural for me to be cautious about this kind of things.. I don't care if my friends would tell me that I'm acting like a girl.. It would be my loss if I would follow everyone's advices to get all the number of the girls I see.. It doesn't work like that for me.. What if I jump too fast knowing the ledge is fragile and I fall before I realize it.. Commiting the same mistake twice is a very very stupid act for a human being.. I mean animals learn fast when they get hurt and try to avoid the danger by staying far away from it. And we are human beings capable of processing complex thinking with ease.. Then we spill the milk twice in the same place and manner? Don't think so.. I wouldn't want to be labeled as stupid.. Slow with girls is perfectly fine, but stupid with regards to relationships.. No way.. I'm not saying that I'm very picky and that I'm the perfect guy to think this way.. But look at it this way.. We only live once in this lifetime so why not get the best? Best doesn't mean the most goodlooking, smartest, coolest person.. But best with concern to your interest.. So what's my idea of a best girl for me? Everything simple.. No makeup, no perky accent, not trying hard to speak english, and usually helping her parents with everything.. Nothing really big but it's my preference. With all the double crossing girls out there, I think it would be the best thing if caution is being practiced..

So another long and weird post by a weird writer.. Anyways really bothered by the way I write.. It's not the same but I guess it'll do..:D Just happy that I can pour all of my thoughts in this blog again.. Oh and I got myself a weird source of happiness so I'm gonna share it in this blog.. I now have the waist line of 28 and I only weigh 63 Kg.. I have a waistline of a girl and that's good!haha Sorry for the perky happiness.. I know it's low but it's an achievement for meh! So I'm gonna sign out now.bye bye

Back again..

It's been a month since I've posted something new here. Stupid blog won't let me enter my account. Anyways I've got alot to talk about but I'm gonna summarize everything so it won't take up much space. I've been through alot this summer. Summer classes to start with. It was fun I was hoping that it was a little bit longer coz the people are easy to get along with. Next is the love part. Oh boy this is the hard part. Well, my phone was busted for more than a week and didn't get to communicate with friends. Plus my comp was acting up so I had to reformat it 3 times. Jesus Christ whats with electronics?! They hate me, I know.. So, it's a matter of momentum change and alittle of disappointment. It's not like I didn't remember or got tired, but sometimes it's just out of my power to do something about it. I know it has slowed down and it's back to the drawing board. Had the chance and all yet didn't grab it to the fullest. I learned that maybe if it couldn't stand the test of connection then it's nothing to be worried about. Why? coz if I would worry about nothing then I would get nothing in return. Knowing that nothing will happen 'xcept the fact that it would only be as strong as friends then so be it. It's not like I would die or something. That's the point of existence. Being with someone in the end of your lifetime. But hey, I'm still young and maybe I will find whoever will be there for me. Boredome has stricken the whole meaning of my actions and now I should pay the price of not being able to do something. That's the main lesson I've learned this summer. Wait for the results but don't get too engrossed for it will consume one's virtue that is categorized as patience. I'm pretty sure that I would only have someone beside me by the age of 28. It's no big deal. The only problem is that I already had a basis for having someone that would be there for me. Yet it was a failure for the lack of physical contact and communication. It feels good to be able to hold someone. I know how it feels and it would be in my system to look for someone that would do the same 'xcept the leaving me for another guy part. So here I am now waiting yet not getting impatient. Thought I was close enough but it seemed to drift away. I'm going to learn to disipline my self to not jump into conclusions for it would make my world break into a million pieces. I don't know if what ever I did still stands. I'm alittle nervous of going back to school for I don't know if it's still the same if ever I see what matters to me as much as passing through that certain building. Maybe it has died down and I would just try my luck the next time I admit something to someone. It's rare for me to do that and now I would be more cautious of my actions. Not to say anything until it seems to be the appropriate time to say so. I busted another chance and yet I don't feel lost. It's the principle of mine that every disappointment comes a lesson afterwards to not commit the same mistake in the future.

Love is always around just like the air we breathe. It's just a matter of inhaling in the right place. Whatever you cough out means it's not good for your body and whatever makes you feel energetic makes your body healthy. Same with the love that you make your heart overcome. If it makes you feel sick then stop. It's the most logical way for one to keep sanity in it's line. That's the second time I admitted and I won't be doing it in the near future I guess. Have to be 100% sure before saying it. The first time yes it was a success but after 2years time it failed. The second was confusing since I don't know how to initialize any affection for what I know is to maintain and not to start one. I don't know how I would face whatever lagging that I commited but it's life and shit happens most of the time. Just like an education with lots of stupid homeworks to suck the life out of every student.

There I guess it would be better if I finish off here for I might get to dramatic and that is not my kind of thing. Hopefully someone would read and understand this post for I don't know what happened to my writing style. Maybe it's still the same but I feel that it has changed a bit from reading to much Shakespear novels and love stories. Damn! What going on with me?! I'm like a lovesick person who can't even initialize a conversation with the opposite sex. Geez, anyways this post would end here.... Pzzzt