Friday, March 30, 2007

Another Morning insight

I've always heard people blaming love when they feel pain.. Love is never linked to pain.. It's true being is to give happiness.. The thought of having someone where you can share your life with and create a bridge to a new world gives the assurance that you're not alone.. Avoiding solitude is the goal of humans.. Noone wants to be alone.. So how do we create the bond with another person? Simple, Love is the bond.. A bond that cannot be deciphered by the five senses.. It can only be felt within our real nature as to what made us exist.. It's like having one thousand islands and for every island there's one person.. There's a bridge linking every island, but you're scared of crossing for it seems that the bridge would break once you step on it.. But someone called your name and said that it's safe to cross.. Ok now you trusted the person and crossed the bridge.. You get to know the person and appreciate their island.. Then it comes to a point where you two agreed on building a stronger bridge so the visiting would be frequent without any second thoughts on crossing again.. The strength of the bridge depends on the cooperation of the two.. Let's say a disaster striked the bridge and it collapsed.. Now you get mad and blame the person on why he/she didn't do his/her part on making the bridge strong enough to withstand mothernature.. But will it be logical if you blame the bridge? Ofcourse not.. So why blame love when one gets hurt? Don't cross the bridge if you know it's not worth it.. It's not love's fault that you two got together.. Love is there to make connections.. When this connection breaks and is followed by hatred afterwards then it is not called love anymore.. It's anger.. Anger is the one that inflicts pain not love.. It all depends on how you handle it.. Never blame love for the pain that you experience.. Try touching a flame.. It hurts but it wasn't the flames fault that you got burned.. Can't change the nature of fire so use it wisely.. Fire is formless and it goes where the wind blows.. Just like love.. It follows where you want it to go but don't play with it for it can hurt you and once it does it's the most devastating experience that could happen to you..

4:30 in the morning and feeling dizzy now.. But can't fall asleep coz I just talked to her on the phone!!!haha I'm still having an adrenaline rush from the phone conversation awhile ago.. Wow I didn't know someone could make me feel this way.. Anyways gotta sleep now bye bye.. post a comment if you wish..:D

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