Wednesday, February 14, 2007

What a weird day.....

Ok this is the most freaky day of my life.. I've never thought that a girl would be so foward and ask me for a date!!! I don't even know her that well and now she's asking me out.. Geezz, what ever happened to boys asking girls out?? I don't care if I don't have a date and I am not that desperate to go out with anyone.. Why go out with someone you don't even have feelings for and end up getting annoyed because you didn't feel the "love"...tsk tsk Oh!!! and I saw this girl just the other day and I got very curious who she was......just saw her around school.. But I don't have the guts to ask her out, I mean we don't know each other and I think she has a boyfriend.. A girl that pretty wouldn't be single by this time..:) I know that I'm contradicting what I've just said with the why go out with someone you don't know.. Well.....that's why I didn't ask her out DUH..haha But it's rare for me to like someone from afar and if it only happens once in awhile then maybe my intuition is right.... Don't know her yet but time will tell if we would be able to know each other better..xiao:D

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